Thursday, October 18, 2012

Video 1 Partial Mockup

I don't have any video editing equipment on this machine, but here's a sort of mock up of part of the first video. There are a ton of problems to be worked out here. Number one on my concern list is how to work in the Frankenstein metaphor smoothly. But, here's what I have:

Video 1: The Monster

Maybe start in with the Numa Numa guy video playing, cuz it's awesome. Keep the audio in the background as we move on to other examples, giving the video a light and silly feel at first, then do some serious music when we move into "ultimately they are all time wasters"

(Show examples with each, videos when applicable) Spoken: Viral Videos. Silly Cats. Memes. Parodies. Remixes. Machinimas. We all love them, but in the end, what are they? Entertainment and a chance to laugh, but ultimately they are all Time Wasters. Ladies and gentlemen, we have something monstrous on our hands.

Viral Videos.
Silly Cat Videos 
(This is from A Very Potter Musical-I think we should have a better example of a parody here, something literary perhaps? Something recognizable by a sizable amount of people as well)

(Is this a good one to use here?)


We all love them, but in the end, what are they? (Visually, what can we show here?) 

Entertainment and a chance to laugh, but ultimately they are all Time Wasters. (Ditto?) 

Ladies and gentlemen, we have something monstrous on our hands. (This is a non pop culture pic of Frankenstein. Somehow. Would something more recognizable be better here?)

Update: turns out I actually DO have a video editing program on this computer! Updates upcoming. Thanks to Katie Wilkie for helping me!

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