Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Semester in Review

Self-directed Learning / Personal Blog Posts

Personally, I loved the self directed learning aspect of this class. I loved being able to chose what I studied and follow my interests in whatever direction I chose. I often spent more time on these small "assignments" than I normally would simply because I enjoyed the topic I was learning about. I chose to focus mostly on Video Games and the issues surrounding openness. I also did some work on remix for the group project. Generally my method of research was just finding articles, starting with a Google Search and branching out from there to see what the internet thought about my chosen topics.

Blog Posts:

All Your Base are Belong to Us
(Related to Openness) Net Neutrality

Google + Posts

The above is by no means all the work I did, but it's a good sampling.


One of the most important things that I did for my group was give it a kick in the pants. When we had failed to agree on what to do by midterm, I started working. I figured that my group would either love what I was doing an jump on board or hate it and come up with something else. The second happened, which I was totally fine with. Here is what I came up with in the meantime:

I also helped with prototyping, story boarding, coming up with the story line for our flash video. I also drew several pieces of concept art for Curtis' roommate to work from. I helped to present to the copyright office and I also contributed several sections to the blog.

I'll be honest, I wasn't all that helpful to the other groups. I offered my assistance to the Little Big Planet Group, but I never heard back from them and so I never moved forward with that. I also talked with Katie on several occasions to express my interest in her group's project, hoping to validate further what she was doing. I put out a call to my writer friends when the Novel group needed writers (though none responded) and a call to my artist friends when one of the groups was looking for some crowd sourced art for something (I don't remember what-the Novel group again maybe). But that's about it.

To the class in general-I think that I made good, relevant comments and asked useful questions.I also put together a post on Machinima and briefly described the topic for the class. Also, I was the class' Minecraft expert and a semi-expert on video games!

Other's Assistance 
Tara really generated some interest for me, mainly with the topics that she brought up on Google +. The Badges group has inspired me to continue my learning through the internet, perhaps even with badges. I was also really excited by what the Little Big Planet Group was doing.

Digital Literacy

Consume-I've become a much smarter consumer. I've learned that there are other sources out there than just CNN and Wikipedia. I've learned how to search blogs and use Twitter as a search engine. I even tried an RSS feed, but it wasn't pretty enough for me =) Basically I learned how to learn better and more effectively.

Create-I've become much more aware of my ability to contribute useful things to the internet world. Particularly with blogging. Before this class I saw blogging as so much shouting into the void. In some ways, it is. But it has also allowed me to have a voice in a way that I haven't before. I can express my ideas clearly and concisely (or not) without being interrupted or (initially) argued with, but I can still be informal. I intend to continue blogging after this class, though I will avoid the dreaded Mommy Blog.

Connect-This is the category that I still struggle with. I just plain have a hard time putting myself out there. I'm afraid of being shot down or laughed at. I'm still working up the courage to Tweet someone about something consequential. What if they answer and I have to engage in a conversation that I am not prepared for? But I'm moving forward. I'm maintaining my Twitter account and remaining linked to the issues that I see as important so that, when I get brave, I can join the conversation in a meaningful way.

All boiled down? Great class and I learned a lot!

Monday, December 3, 2012

I Feel Cool.

I guess this is kind of like my pre self-evaluation blog post. Less academic than my real one will be.

I'm feeling pretty cool right now. Why? I figured out how to embed a Prezi on a Google site. Granted, it wasn't all that hard to figure out. All I had to do was Google "How to embed a Prezi," and select the appropriate video. But, before this class, I didn't even know how to create a link on a blog, much less embed something. I don't remember learning it specifically, but I doubt that I even knew what "embed" meant, at least in the context of a website.

After doing this I realized that I really can teach myself almost anything I want by using the internet. Before this class I knew that it was theoretically possible for a person to teach themselves a professional skill via digital media, but now I can see that it is possible for me, Gwendolyn Hammer, to do it. Not only is it possible, but I've already taught myself some small things! I dove it without really realizing what I was doing.

So I'm setting a goal for myself: to continue my New Media related self-directed learning after the semester ends. This way I can learn things that would otherwise require me to do things like talk to people. Ew. So, I would like to:

1. Learn some coding! I plan on doing this through Minecraft, since that will be an interesting way to get started. I will use websites such as this one and videos such as this.

2. Learn how to get going on family history research! I've taken the advice to start with myself and record everything I know, but I'm so scared of doing something wrong that I haven't gone any further.

Who knows? Maybe I'll even keep up this blog =].

Final Questions


1.What is Machinima? (Question type 2)
a. A website related to Threadless.
b. Markus Persson's (coder for Minecraft) avatar on Twitter.
c. An issue related to Identity Tourism.
d. The use of video game engines to create movies.

Answer: Here and here.

2. How is copyright law different now than it was 20 years ago? (Question type 5)
a. It's not; the law basically covers the same things and addresses the same issues
b. If a material is on the internet (especially on Usenet) then it's in the public domain and you
can't be prosecuted for using it (Look here, number 3).
c. Copyright used to be enacted only on corporations, but today lawsuits are enacted against individuals more frequently.
d. Most of what is done on the internet is done under fair use (here again, but number 4)


What is the value of prototyping?
a. It allows you sound more professional
b. It allows you to get your ideas moving; it's like sloppy copy or a rough draft: rough edged ideas
c. It allows you to demonstrate an product or goal to an intended audience or buyer and make adjustments based on social feedback.
d. All of the above!

Related posts and sites:
A Failed Coup


1. Although the internet allows us to access endless information, it does not mean that we can sit back and relax. We have to actively engage in the issues that are  important to us, and we have to go beyond the first few search results on Google.

Related Posts
Update to He-Man
The Internet and Politics

2.The Internet has a way of democratizing everything, but there are always people who will fight for control. It is important to keep the internet as free and unrestricted as possible.

Related Links
Highbrow Lowbrow
Open Content
Can an Apple Addict be an Advocate for Openness?
(Look under Copyright/Fair Use)